"Kickers for Mission"
What stops us more than anything else from living up to our ministry potential?
I think there's often an atmosphere of restraint in the local church, an atmosphere that reduces and limits, that constrains visioning and risking. all in the name of high quality control.
That false god of 'excellence' unintentionally convinces our church members that they really shouldn't try anything new to them unless they can accomplish it at an excellent, almost professional level.
- Who is going to try something untried for the Lord (the essence of stepping out in faith) if they have no permission to fail?
- Who will attempt great things for God's glory if the first attempt has to be stellar?
In answer to these, I have drawn together some truly inspirational quotes that can serve as a set of 'mottos' for "recovering limited dreamers."
See more of my favorite missional and inspirational quotes at my MSN Spaces Blog! | Some favorites:
"With God, all things are possible"
"Dare to be undignified!" (A motivational tape)
"You have capacities in excess of your expectations!" (A motivational tape)
"Double your failure rate!" (A motivational tape)
"Create a climate in which people can discover that they can be self-directing, self-supporting, and self-discovering! (Unknown)
"Imagine No Limits! (Cellular One)
"Be absurdly happy, completely fearless, and in constant trouble. (FR Maltby)
"Make no small dreams; they make no magic to stir men's blood." (Daniel Burnham, Architect of Chicago's Magnificent Mile)
"I miss 100% of the shots I don't take." (Wayne Gretsky)
"If it's not broke, break it." (Educational specialist Phil Schlechtey)
"Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." (Jerry Garcia)
"If we are to better the future we must disturb the present. (Salvation Army founder Catherine Booth)
"The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still unfavourable. Favourable conditions never come." (CS Lewis: The Weight of Glory)
"Invention, discovery and creativity occur when rules have not yet been fixed for a business or a product and when rules are viewed differently, as when people from different disciplines are allowed to work together." (MIT Forum on Discovery)
"If something's worth doing, it's worth doing poorly." (GK Chesterton)
"If at first you don't succeed, call it Version 1.0" (Unknown) |