Thursday, February 03, 2005

PFF in the Mission Yearbook of Prayer - Sunday, Feb 6, 2005

This Sunday, February 6, Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship and our frontier mission effort are featured in the PCUSA Mission Yearbook of Prayer.

I have been privileged to write these minutes for mission for the past several years. It's quite an affirmation that PFF is given one of the coveted Sunday slots, given that there are only 52 of them each year! We certainly think that it's an excellent time to call the PCUSA to pray for our wonderful frontier mission projects.

We invite you to use this entry in your congregation's worship service this Sunday. Lift up the vital mission of taking the gospel to those cultures and peoples for whom the gospel is still new!

Sunday, February 6, 2005

The Lord’s Day Minute for Mission
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship

The Lord’s new song isn’t just a faint echo around the world—it’s an international blockbuster! Presbyterians and frontier mission partners supported by Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship are stepping out in creative witness around the world among unreached people groups for whom the gospel is new. In many Central Asian Republics, indigenous churches are few or nonexistent. The New Testament is not readily available and even illegal. Because their newfound faith is perceived as a threat to the existing social and cultural structure, new Christians often face persecution. Property may be taken, jobs lost, and lives taken.

Yet the song skips on. A grandmother discovered a Bible correspondence course for children, registered for it in her grandchild’s name, and became a believer. Prison officials throughout the region have had enthusiastic responses to the Jesus film as ministry teams introduce it for presentation to prisoners. One prison gathered its whole staff to preview the film, approved it without reservation, and heard the song themselves.

Newly forming churches and mission teams are singing God’s song all over Central Asia, where it is having effects on communities, students, persons with disabilities, and children. Courageous new churches are praying together and praying for each other. One church discovered a fifteen-year-old boy with cerebral palsy who was left to die because his family was unable to cope with his disabilities. The church team worked to assist him and obtained therapy for him, and now the boy is doing well. The Lord’s new song spans the globe and reaches into many new communities.

A prayer for frontier mission:

Lord of the universe, we pray that your Holy Spirit will raise up the mission vision of our churches to support mission on the frontiers among unreached people groups. Strengthen Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship and our PC(USA) Frontier Mission Program for its challenging mission. Encourage first believers and first congregations as they claim Christ as their Lord and take on the call you have given all Christians. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

—Rev. David Hackett, Associate Director for Denominational Relations, Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship

(If you prefer, you may view this Minute for Mission on the PCUSA Website at

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Plethora of Presbyterian Bloggers

Presbyterian bloggers? It's a classic Presbyterian way to be an activist - run a blog!

We're starting to see more Presbyterian blogs beyond Mark Roberts', Jim Berkley's, Rick Ufford-Chase's and mine, and I celebrate it.

I'm not ready to endorse particular blogs, but it's an incredibly good sign in my book (webpage?) that we're making a PCUSA mark on the blogosphere with our commentary.

May a thousand Presbyterian blogs bloom! See if any of these blogs strikes your fancy: (John Schroeder) (Tod Bolsinger) (Glenn Buzbee) (Neil Craigan) (Bob Davis) (Jeff McCrory) (Mike Murdock) (Rhett Smith) (Craig Williams) (Steve Wright) (Steve Wynkoop)

Also see Mark Roberts' collection of blogging pastors from all over (from which I drew many of the above).

-- Dave Hackett