Monday, December 22, 2003

"I Am Glad This Church Needs Money!"

Every now and then I come across an item from a PFF-supporting church's newsletter that is exceptionally worth passing along. The Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church's PresScripts offers us this anonymous piece reprinted below. I like its counter-cultural view: Of course our church is deserving of financial support, because through it a host of ministries are done.

This thought of the impact of the church working together recalls Ephesians 3:10: "Through Christians like yourselves gathered [and giving, I might add!] in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!" (The Message)

Here's the article, entitled, "I Am Glad This Church Needs Money!"

  • I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not supporting missionaries and preaching the gospel in other places. No MISSIONARY ZEAL.

  • l am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not doing anything to support the homeless, helpless and needy. No COMPASSION.

  • I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it had "topped out" and was not interested in expanding into other areas of needed service. No VISI0N.

  • I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not interested in providing wholesome activities. No CONCERN.

  • I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not expanding its outreach. No EVANGELISM.

  • I am glad this church needs money! If it did not, it would mean it was not interested in teaching children in the impressionable, formative years. No FUTURE.

  • Yes, sir, I am glad this church needs money! It means it has not forfeited its zeal, compassion, vision, concern, evangelism, or future. This church needs my gifts and I am glad of it. I would not want to be a member of any other kind.
    -- Anonymous


-- Dave Hackett